The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59132   Message #939985
Posted By: Eric the Viking
25-Apr-03 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Mandocello chords/tuning
Subject: Chord Req: Mandocello chords/tuning
Aha ! Mrs Viking (The kind, Thor bless her hairy legs) has just ordered my birthday present!! A Mandocello, (hand built-costsa lotta pence) It will be tuned CGDA. I have to wait until summer for it to be finished, so there is plenty of time.

Can you clever people out there direct me to a chord source, chord directory or have you your own chords for a mandocello. I've tried looking on Mandlin cafe, but obviously haven't got it right.

Thanks people.

All excited!!