The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59096   Message #940529
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
26-Apr-03 - 01:51 AM
Thread Name: Dixie Chicks Undressed, Unrepentant!
Subject: RE: Dixie Chicks Undressed, Unrepentant!
Guess I get under Sorefingers's skin. Doesn't seem to be much of
a challenge, though, seems pretty much everyone does it. . . .

Sorefingers: ". . . with Freedom cometh Responsibility, and
    that requires a little education which OC presupposes a
    small ammount of intelligence; "

I wouldn't push that point too much, SF. Your spelling is
nothing to brag about, and that may limit _your_ options. . . .

But (more) seriously, are you _really_ of the opinion that
it's only the "intelligent" that should be allowed to
exercise their freedom? What a curious notion. . . .
Sounds, well, "un-American".

But perhaps I misunderstood you here; you might have been
suggesting that the prerequisite for freedom was that the
person in question have percisely this "small ammount [sic]
of intelligence", and that the crux of your complaint against
the Dixie Chicks is that they're over-qualified.

Sorefingers: "Perhaps Marty oughta leave it alone while she is
    still ahead?, while the cops are now still merely watching
    what she is doing rather than getting a warrant? Perhaps
    Arne you might be on the list as well? Perhaps
    when the FBI are sniffing around in the lobby? doin the
    dooo ain't kosher ... Arne.. "

Hey, why don't you drop a dime and turn me in to the TIPS
program? Maybe Ashcroft will let _you_ wear an armband too. . . .

Sorefingers: "I thought they were dissing G W for being dumb???"

I don't think so. I think they were dissing him for being
a thin-skinned warmongering bully. But perhaps a dumb one
at that. . . .

But back to the substance of my prior post: To my knowledge,
the Dixie Chicks are _still_ on top despite your caterwauling
about how they're crashing and burning and the efforts of the RNC and its powerful friends in the media to stifle them
(something your nasty little reply didn't address). Maybe
the Chicks aren't so "dumb" after all. . . .

* * * * *

To the rest of the people out there: I saw the Chicks back
when they played the WVF in Winfield regularly. They _do_
love their music. And I don't think that the notion that
Europeans don't know about bluegrass and country music is
true at all; festivals over there highlight perfomers from
the U.S., and the Netherlands is heaven for U.S. bluegrass
bands, with some bands even producing records over there,
and some major bluegrass labels out of the Netherlands.

. . .

True, if you want "political" music, there's more and better
out there (and a couple of the better ones have been named;
even in Austin you have the Austin Lounge Lizards with their
classic "Jesus Loves Me But He Can't Stand You"), but the
Chicks do "step out" a bit from the standard country mold
with such songs as "Earl" (and this may be part of Sorefingers's
irritation with them).


                               -- Arne Langsetmo