The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59063   Message #940655
Posted By: GUEST,Beffudled
26-Apr-03 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: St George's Day
Subject: RE: St George's Day
Its no bad thing that theres at least one other here who is courageous enough to drop the politicaly correct ballshine and speak up for the English who have more than the loss of Morris dancing to worry them as their country is stolen from them....I do not support fascist bullies like the national front,and I wish no harm on the ethnics here,but we need to take action now to stop this country of ours becoming as chaotic as the third world....that doesnt mean being inhumane in any way,,it means allowing non europeans who have no ethnological claim to our country being allowed just limited residency here.come and visit..come and work here subject to proper visa limitations,but do not expect to settle here and import vast swathes of family....the British were not wanted in the Indian and African continents we got why should we now become part of that unstable scene....

Its funny how those who wish to portray themselves as fairminded multicultarly aware are so prone to resorting to fascist style insult instead of constructive discussion..Yes I know standing up for our rights and speaking your true thoughts hurts,but we must try and stay rational at all costs ha ha.