The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52109   Message #942031
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
28-Apr-03 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
Although Martin Carthy used the Old Mother Crawley tune for Rambleaway, his further adaptation of it for his re-write of Jack Rowland is very different, so we shouldn't consider that tune dealt with yet.

Probably the tune John in Brisbane posted should go with the Foster Gentle Annie rather than with version 2, the Australian re-make; Sorcha's set isn't so close, I think, and got via a source which had changed it around a bit, perhaps; and we aren't sure exactly what form the tune assumed in Australia (though John seemed to indicate that it was pretty much the same, but slower). Best bet would be to check both against the original notation, really.