The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59228   Message #942425
Posted By: Bobert
28-Apr-03 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Subject: RE: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
And thats another thing. Like how come Spaw gets away with saying that he invented the fart! Hey, that danged things been 'round for millions of years, yet Spawzer comnes along and marchs into the patent office and get a danged patent on the smelly things! And now he's collectin' royalties on 'em! Now that ain't right!

Hech with "Cheers", Hester, this is yer opportunity to open up the four barrel, to shoot for the moon, to shed those demons and to step forward and say, "Hey, I'm not takin' this crap anymore. I hate people who throw their chewed gum where others walk!!!"

This thread is for rantin!

Not for folks to stop by and say, "Tsck, tsck. Ranting is for common folks."

Man, now that really gets me! Ya throw a party fir a bunch of folks sufferin' from a severe case of poly morphis perverse guilt and they sit around talking about the danged weather! Now that one really get me!!!

Danged....... Grrrrrrrrr........

Hey, if you all can't think of nuthin' in world that bugs you then you can just rant on ol' bobert, if that's what it takes to get the pump primed...

And I'm still not too happy about having Spawzer with the "flagilation market" cornered.
