The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59228   Message #942446
Posted By: Amos
28-Apr-03 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Subject: RE: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
SOme things make me so mad I could just suck the lips off a carp. And one of them is people picking on people. Like that gantlet ole Hester went through -- talk about Twistems, man, there weren't two straight thoughts could be rubbed together from the time she first posted her question to the time she tore up her sheepskin in disgust!! And now she won't even rant about it!!

And another thing is all these people that aren't checking in -- ya know what I mean?? Matt_R_who used to be Mbo, goes off and gets a life, no word from him for over two years!! And then he shows up and says "why are you-all sti9ll talking about the same old crap?". Now that takes nerve. Ole LEJ is out in the world o' busyness just scraping his nickels to gether to pay the rent, and there's a mess of other guys that used to say really intelligent htings around here got driven off by the numbskulls, trolls, badgers and fart-flamers. I swan, a waste of beautiful conversation pit, you ask me.

Now another thing makes me mad enough to just stick a golf-tee in my ear -- that's these guys who think it is terribly clever to pretend to have a snide, condescending and Universal point of view and then don't even put a name on it!! The gaseosity of it just gets up my nose sometimes, I am here to tell you.

Now slimy things in recipe books is another item I woudl like to vent on. And then there's C-average political entities with the brains of a box of wet rocks. And... and..


Gee, thanks, Bobert. I feel much better.

How are you doing?