The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59228   Message #942536
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
29-Apr-03 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Subject: RE: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Don't get me on a rant, I spent over 3 hours ranting last night from everything from comparative religions to how long I'd been with a particular person and how my opinion of them has changed because of some things they did to me a while ago and how they keep on doing it still! Then we started on marriage!

I have aphids on my roses too..... gonna go and squish 'em later today.

I also have 3 cats who demand attention. A previous cat was so demanding he managed to jump on the keyboard, corrupt the C drive programming and save the corruptions. We had to strip down and start from ground level again! Gonna spend some time today petting and loving all three, then nuke the buggers with anti flea juice.

Then there is the (happily now ex) manager who is still insisting that he is above all health and safety requirements - he's fixed his desk so that it has created no fewer than 10 hazards, and that's before he sits down! I point it out and I'm picking on him, I don't point it out and he's at risk... as a risk assessor and H&S rep, I can't do that! ARRGGHHH!

However, it is a glorious day outside, after a rainy one yesterday, there's a blackbird singing just outside the window, I've got the day off work and a full sized chocolate rugby ball to eat. There are good things in the world, you just have to be a pessimist - that way, you are prepared for the worst, but it's always a lovely surprise if things go right.