The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59228   Message #943047
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Apr-03 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Subject: RE: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Oh, yeah?!!?? Well, *$^%^ it, I am just fed up to the teeth with people who come to the movie theater not to watch a movie, talk, to noisily consume overpriced junk food, to get up every few minutes and jostle past me to go to the washroom or buy more overpriced junk food, to grope each other in a not too subtle fashion, and (did I mention this?) to TALK!!! They should all be sent somewhere where they can do these various things and leave the fecking theatre to those of us who are there to watch the fecking movie!!!! Or they should just be shot.

Then there are those fecking 24% of Americans who voted for Dubya. What should happen to those idiots I cannot even print here! Well, I could, but it might get me in trouble...

Then there are people who wear baseball caps backwards! AAAARGGHHH! NO fate would be too horrible for those morons!!!

Then there are the teenage girls who, like, have to say, like, "like" between every, like, four or five other, like, words they, like, say, because, like, they are insecure? They also, like, usually end their sentences with a, like, question mark in their voice? Cos they're , like, insecure? Like...know what I mean?

WAUHHGHGGGHHH!!! I can't stand it!

And then there are the people who don't adulate William Shatner, eh? Those fecking nimrods are totally beyond redemption!

That should do it for now. Great idea for a thread. :-)

- LH