The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59228   Message #943319
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
30-Apr-03 - 01:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Subject: RE: BS: Rant Here!!!...............
Bardford, that's masterful! Great summation!

I really, really dislike people who talk in languages other than American in elevators, under the impression that they're carrying on a private conversation because no one else is intelligent enough to understand. If the subject is that private, then go somewhere private to talk about it! Otherwise, speak the language of the country you're living in! Or at least a facsimile thereof!

People who think grammar is not necessary, spelling is strictly inventive, and sentence structure is an old wives' tale. Actually, thanks to those people, you keep me in proofreading work, boring as it is!

Billboards that flaunt "it's" when the word should be "its" and vice versa! Books, ditto. Newspapers, ditto.

People who have the temerity to censor Shakespeare, for God's sake! (My high school English teacher, for one.) And the ones who attempt, through meaningless and repetitive argument, to change my opinion on politics, religion, or any other damned thing I don't want to argue about.

Whew! Thanks, Bobert. That feels good...
