The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59335   Message #944823
Posted By: InOBU
02-May-03 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Otway's New Band!!!
Subject: Otway's New Band!!!
Well, after former band mates have posted on their web page that they have broken free of the bandage to Lorcan Otway's band Sorcha Dorcha, so that they can return to playing "Kelly the boy from Killan" in Green Beer joints, or other members have asked if we can play dance music and "not your songs" and a varriety of other steller comments... well, I have found the perfect band for Sorcha Dorcha fans. I am cloning myself. I have put a down payment on a wee box that can overlap tracks live as I play them. Inspired by the solo CD, with a little help from my friends (yuck yuck yuck)I have been working on settings that build on previous phrases, so I can add tracks as I do songs and such.
Now, this does not mean that I am completely adverse to working with other musicians, however, as we enter days when American rights have been flushed down the toilet, if playing with others means not singing about the issues on which our nation will sink or swim, well, I will keep cloning. So, the new Sorcha Dorcha, is Larry Otway on Bodhran, Lorcan Otway on Vocals, Lor Otway on Whistle, L. Otway on Flute, Lollya Otway on Uilleann Pipes, Logi Otway on guitar, Larry "Floatin' Boatin'" Otway on backing vocals - recorder - bongos - hurdy gurdy - syntisizer and pass the hat crowd pleaser...