The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59336   Message #944850
Posted By: GUEST,jonm
02-May-03 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: New guitar recommendations
Subject: RE: New guitar recommendations
I'm in a very similar position to yourself, with the added disadvantage of being left-handed, so I cannot readily walk into shops and try instruments.

Check out these UK manufacturers - can't do blue clicky things, but the website names are all closely related to the company:

Fylde - excellent fingerstyle guitars, very helpful and informative, some custom options are free. This is probably where my money is going. Many household names play 'em and quality control is back after a dip in the '80's.

Northworthy - handmade to special order at not-so-special prices in the wilds of Derbyshire. I knew Alan Marshall in a former existence and I'm sure if he can help, he will.

Lowden - made in Northern Ireland, lovely unique-sounding instruments (though the tone is so complex they don't record well, so a sound engineer friend tells me); the company seems to have outgrown its organisation and there are currently long lead times for replies to enquiries and for instruments.

Brook - hand made in Devon, a mate bought one second-hand and they sound great and are very well made.

McIlroy - a guy who used to work for Lowden and has set up on his own, apparently making instruments which out-Lowden Lowden!

There are lots of others, Moon (personally, I don't like their guitars' tone for fingerstyle), Atkin etc. but any UK-made guitar will come out much cheaper than the equivalent Martin/ Taylor/ Larivee/ Collings/ Santa Cruz etc. If, like me, you have a budget, you'll get a much finer instrument for your money.