The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59336   Message #944903
Posted By: catspaw49
02-May-03 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: New guitar recommendations
Subject: RE: New guitar recommendations
Hi Graham.....To expand on your "over there" instead of something from "over here'...the US...I think there are some good possibilities. Lowden and Fylde have already been mentioned, but if you talk to Mooman, he'll tell you that Lakewood is the one. The ones I have played are wonderful instruments and Mooman swears by them, especially the M series and he has excellent knowledge not only as as a player but also as someone who has done some luthiery and knows his stuff. They are great and worth looking at. Short on flash, long on GREAT woods and playability. Lakewood Guitars

The other is made in the UK and everytime we mention great guitars, Bill Sables brings up Docherty, made by Terry Docherty in Ashington, Northumberland. Bill has a "set" of his instruments (mandola, mandolin, guitar) and when he was over here along with Ian and Sam, I had a chance to check them out and that guitar was simply the best. I have no idea of the price but they are handmade and stand up alongside any instrument I have ever seen. Again, short on fluff and long on everything that matters.   Martin Carthy plays one.

Send mooman and Bill a PM and get the dope from them. If you're looking at that price in the US, either go Vintage or Collings like Peter said. Collings just kicks ass on craftsmanship as well as sound and all the good stuff.

My 2 cents!
