The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59335   Message #944925
Posted By: InOBU
02-May-03 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: Otway's New Band!!!
Subject: RE: Otway's New Band!!!
Dear you can call me Al... you can call me, but I will likely be out busking.
Roger ol' skin... ain't Al the rigs of the times mate? Ah well, bet he's a yank - knows everything for everyone else. Good idea about the on stage fights, did I tell ya that there were a few, one member playing with her back to the audience away from the mike... because she was having a row with two other members and f* the audience or the music. Well, there you go, But, I agree there is not half the fun without the fights, so I will have to contradict myself and get into a schizo argument over the music.
What is real folk music Al? Damn me but it hasn't been the same since the ouwl music nights around the cave wi the neanderthaul sing alongs. Now, what was nice about Neander music is the lack of pedantic definitions by self apointed athoritites, Neanders were a laid back bunch of tune full beggers and I, for one miss em.
Lorcan Ri