The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59335   Message #945215
Posted By: InOBU
02-May-03 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Otway's New Band!!!
Subject: RE: Otway's New Band!!!
Funny enough McGrath:
The problem is not the audiences. Frankly, I have not had a single case of the audience feeling cheeted by a performance. The problem is that either the rest of the band feels the audience is responding to their fiddling, rather than the words of the song and try to strike out on their own, asking me for the bookings, or that they are doing this good, they'd do even better without having meaningful words behind what they are doing. In reality, none of them are getting much air play, while my work is on the radio almost every day in New York. The other draw back is the promoters. For example the agent who heard me play the pipes and asked if I had a band. When I said yes, she asked if it was Celtic rock, I said no, and she would not even listen to us, saying that only Celtic rock was bookable in New York. So, it is not the audiences as much as other impeadiments (and not that I am some ogre... most likely ;-) . Cheers Larry