The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59282   Message #945335
Posted By: The Shambles
03-May-03 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
Subject: RE: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
Bad manners and inconsideration for others are not generally rewarded.

At musical gatherings, long- running problems like showboating or insisting on being the only one to sing at a tune session are always rewarded by our loud applause!

Noodling, talking over tunes/songs and many of the other gripes listed here, are also rewarded, at least by our general acceptance of them (on the night anyway).

We do this mainly because we feel it would be impolite for us not to do so...No matter what the original transgression was.

And often should then someone decide to publicly point the transgression out to the original transgressor - they are in danger of emmbarrassing us all and of then being seen as the transgressor..........In most parts of the ultra-polite UK, anyway.

Although I usually prefer a positive approach, the solution I feel is to post all our gripes and grumbles, in the hope that folk will at last recognise that their particular action is annoying to many and that those who insist on doing them, will modify their actions.

And that when and where we see them, we should not continue to reward bad manners and inconsideration as most of these gripes have been with us for a long time - perhaps too long?

Bodhrans or banjos, eggs or boxes (or even egg boxes) are not the real problem. It is not our eggs that we should try to leave behind - but our egos.