The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59335   Message #945553
Posted By: InOBU
03-May-03 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Otway's New Band!!!
Subject: RE: Otway's New Band!!!
You know guest, out of respect to the Bells, I did not use there name, feel free to ask if the quote is acurate to the web page before the update. All the fellows you mention, as to the cutting edge of political writing, well they aren't great comparisons. I know, respect and love Larry Kerwin, but we are doing very different things. Larry plays Celtic rock, and is much more concervative about US politics then I, from what I have seen of his music.
As to being a "Brilliant paralegal", I don't know where you got that "quote". I am a political scientist with a juris doctorate from the third ranked law school in the States. If that makes me brilliant, well I didn't say that. Point of fact, I work, almost exclusivly for those who others will not touch as they have no money of their own, and no one to fund their rights causes. That probably means I am a bastard as well.
Look, guys, having a tooth ache and no dental insurenence makes me a bit short tempered these days, but the busking is doing well this season, so after I finish paying for the equiptment, I am going to get a filling and I will be able to laugh at the high jinks of our guest.
Rick, Quentin was a pal of me old dad, he used to come to the theater all the time, and he gave dad a thoughtful gift once, I have to ask mum what it was, I think it may have been a copy of his book inscribed or something. But, right you are. I perfer not to embarass former band mates, and left out things about the wee fight on stage, but the guest, in his zeal to promote his theory that I am a paronoid bastard named them. Some people, eh?
Cheers gang