The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59335   Message #945641
Posted By: InOBU
03-May-03 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Otway's New Band!!!
Subject: RE: Otway's New Band!!!
Lets cut through the shite.
I use my own name on this forum. Anyone can see my record, as it is rather public from my Mayoral citation from Mayor Koch for my fight for racial desegrigation in Boston, to my advocacy for marginalized cultural isolates. Anyone can listen to my music on Rick Fielding's show, Bernard White or Robert Knights broadcasts on WBAI, BBC Scotland, and a few other venues or hear me live at the Theatre for the New City at the end of the month. As to being a nut case, as an LD student at NYU, I had to undergo a battery of tests, so my mental health is a attested to on paper for anyone who is interersted.
On the other hand, on this forum, several annonomous trolls, among them Yarrow, post ad homminum attacks without using their names. So, their record and mental health is only persumable from their need to attack others.
If I have something to say to someone I use their name and mine. If I have something that may be embarassing to another, who are generally OK fellows, I leave out their names. Trolls make this a place where serrious descussion about carreers in folk music are imposible, and I among others, think folks should post under their own poor names.