The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59282   Message #945831
Posted By: GUEST,ghost
04-May-03 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
Subject: RE: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
It seems, from the ever-increasing list of don'ts that have been accumulating here that many would benefit from performing on one of the Paltalk sessions.

First off there's anonymity. You get to use an alias so that others can only know you via that name and only have access to the info about your profile if you ok it.

There are audio only sessions and sessions with cameras or any mixture of the two. So, you can just hear, or see and hear who is in the room with you. Cameras will show just a still shot of the person unless you subscribe $$ for the advanced version. Then you'll be able to be seen in full motion (as full motion as these little computer cameras will allow anyway).

With Paltalk you can sit in the comfort of your own abode without smelling someone's offensive BO, perfume or cologne, except your own of course. And there in the comfort and serenity of your own little home you won't have to hear someone's footsteps as they cross the floor to the loo or where ever else they may wish to go during your song or set. You won't hear their loud drunken talking, glasses clinking or instrument noodling either because only one person at a time can be heard by the others that are in the session. Each one takes a turn having control of the mic which allows you to be heard by everyone else in the room.

You might get distracted by the typing in the text chat portion while you play but there's even an option that allows you to turn that part off or you can turn your monitor off until you're finished or minimize the window so it doesn't throw you off your game. The only way that the group can respond in real time to performances is via the text chat part and listeners comment via that function with applause and compliments after each performer finishes.

Another good thing about the sessions at Paltalk is that there is something for everyone Irish, bluegrass, blues, folk, you name it. You play to an international audience of listeners. And if the person hosting the room finds you offensive or inappropriate or if you are breaking any of the room rules established by the person hosting the room in any way, too bluegrassy, too bluesy, too jazzy, too folky, too Irishy he can just bounce you out of the room without so much as a howdeedo or thanks for stopping. You can even permanently block repeat offenders from appearing in your performance room so you never have to deal with them again.

So, for those of you who have a more than passionate fancy or need to control every aspect about your entertainment environment your dreams have come true, and they're open 24 hrs a day, seven days a week so there's no need to worry about those session hogs eating up all the time because you've got all the time in world.

There's also a password preference that allows the host to keep out all but those who are invited and know the password. So you can have your cake and eat it too. No more drunks asking to borrow your instruments or people joining in where they aren't wanted. Be the captain of your own ship! Create your own destiny! Don't delay! Be the first one on your block to establish your own exclusive members only club and thumb your nose at the rest of world. Why torture yourself further, putting up with the riff-raff of the world dashing your dreams of a perfect session to bits, when salvation is at last at hand? Why are you still here reading this when you could be at Paltalk playing in the climate controlled comfort of your own living room with your kind of folks? People who think like you do and don't emit noxious gases in the middle of song while standing too close.

No, I do not get paid to advertise for Paltalk.