The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59339   Message #946045
Posted By: Bobert
04-May-03 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the US will finally lose its power?
Subject: RE: BS: How the US will finally lose it's power?

Yes, if someone hit several of US cities that would indeed bring about an accelerated change of geo-political circumstances.

But the same could be said for a rash of assasinations of government leaders or media folk. This, now doubt, would have the same effect as the "circling of wagons" began and America, as we know it, wouold begin to crumble under it's own paranoia.

A more likely scenerio, which I have mentioned in another thread, is that the ruling class looses it most important voting block: The NASCAR, country music and Budweiser group. IF this happens, then Boss Hog is "outta here". Like yesterday! And I think that this can and will happen when this group figgures out that there just ain't no money in social programs that have:

1. Paid for Nursing Home services for granny and now she's movin' in with them.

2. The highways aren't gettin' fixed, let alone improved, because it was more important to give back a lot of money to Boss Hog's friends, then to spend it on maintaining infastructure.

3. That heath insurance becomes so unaffordable that Joe Sixpack can't pay it any more.

4. That schools just fall apart from a lack olf funding to keep the dooors opens and the roofs not leaking.

5. When homelessness becomes common in every community and mentally ill people walk aimlessly thru the streets of every American community.

Yeah, when these thing come to a neighborhood near Joe Sixpack, he's gonna turn on Boss Hog and when that occcurs... ahhh, there won't be enought TV ads to smooth things over...

So, yeah, America will be eaten, like cancer, from the inside!

And you can take that to the bank...
