The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59339   Message #946240
Posted By: GUEST,Larry Kaufman
05-May-03 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: How the US will finally lose its power?
Subject: RE: BS: How the US will finally lose it's power?
The only logical split is for California to be part of Mexico.   This would make a lot of sense.   They are 35 billion in debt (thaks Grey Davis and democrats) which would fit in perfectly to the lousy economy in Mexico.   It would eliminate all the ilegal alliens from sneaking into California since it would be part of Mexico.   All the hollywood liberals who threatened to leave America if Bush were elected would get their wish. Finally, all hollywood films would be foreign films would would give them more stature with the critics.

The next step would be for the USA to annex the Canadian Maritines once Quebec suceeds from Canada.

A few facts to put the military in perspective.   The USA spends about as much on the military as most of the other countries in the world combined. However, this accounts for about 13% (not 50%) of our budget and is at the lowest level as a percentage of our GNP since world war two.   How is this possible?   The USA accounts for 43% of the world GNP (per newsweek magazine)    This is the greatest percentage in the history of civilization.   And the percentage is growing as the USA accounts for 50% of the world expense on research and development.   The bottom line is that we are not only the world superpower in military, we are also the world superpower in economy. The European economy is in shambles and deteriorating.   The Japenese stock market is at a 20 year low.   While the USA economy is stagnant it is still outperforming the rest of the world.

In many ways we are paying the price for business coruption which came from changes to the laws made during the Clinton administration which gave us a false inflated economy in the 90's until the bubble burst and they were exposed.    We are also paying for the foreign messes left by the Clinton administration- ignoring Al Queda, Ossama, Sadaam, and North Korea.

Will Bush fix the economy or make it worse? Time will tell.   Keep this in mind- the top 10% of wage earners make 46$ of the income but pay 67% of the total taxes.   The bottom 40% of wage earners pay nothing in federal income tax.   Yet most people say this isn't fair. How much should the top 10% pay- 80%, 90% 120%? The top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the taxes.   It doesn't seem right to me that half the people pay all the taxes, while the other half pay nothing.   The real question is not whether the USA will lose its military power but whether it will lose its economic power.