The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59339   Message #946683
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-May-03 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the US will finally lose its power?
Subject: RE: BS: How the US will finally lose it's power?
How the US will finally lose its power? are some possibilities:

1. William Shatner will move back to Canada. This would be a fatal stroke to the greatness of the USA.

2. The USA will bomb and invade numerous other countries until there are no "enemies" left anywhere to bomb. The military will still have to do something to justify their expensive existence, so they will have to bomb the USA itself, lacking other identifiable targets...thus causing national suicide. End of story.

3. Jim Carey and most of the other top comedians in the USA will move back to Canada, where they came from. The USA will self-destruct, due to a combination of too much political correctness and too few good jokes.

4. The Neo-Cons, in a desperate attempt to win one last election despite having TOTALLY f*cked the economy, will cut ALL upfront taxes (except to poor people, of course) to absolute ZERO! Enough fools will vote for them on this basis so that they actually get elected, but then there will be almost no money left to run anything. No money for schools, roads, law enforcement, utilities, medicine, etc... The government will collapse. The rich will fortify themselves in sealed enclaves, surrounded by heavily armed mercenary soldiers. The public will riot and go berserk. The armed forces will fragment into warring bands and battle over the ruins. BUT...the Republicans will at least have the honor of winning the last presidential election before everything falls into total chaos...and they may get to crown their candidate emperor while Washington burns.

Looking over the above, I think the Shatner possibility is the scariest, all things considered...but the USA's demise could be Canada's ticket to World domination and a kinder, gentler era in which arms expenditures dwindle to almost nil and there's a Tim Horton's on every corner.

Taking that into consideration, I'm all for it. C'mon home, Bill!

- LH