The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59282   Message #947075
Posted By: Schantieman
06-May-03 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
Subject: RE: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
We had a real star at the Bothy on Sunday.

Breezed in during a song in the first half and chatted loudly to Clive - who gently ushered him out. Reappeared after the interval, inquiring (while Clive was introducing soemone else) when he could play, then alternated between wandering round the room and chatting loudly with his friend.

When he eventually did get on he was absolutely AWFUL - guitar out of tune, no real fingering, didn't know more than half a verse of anything! We listened politely for about a minute and then started some good natured barracking.   We enjoyed it.   He was pissed!