The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10723   Message #94820
Posted By: PJ
13-Jul-99 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Worst pickup lines ever
Subject: RE: Worst pickup lines ever
Oops, I hit the wrong button and posted before I meant to. Sorry.

(By the way, that wasn't the pickup line, but it's probably one that's heard later in the evening...)

True story about the worst pickup line ever used on me...

A few years ago I booked entertainment for special events at a Museum. I made arrangements with a group to hear them perform at a local bar one night. After their first set I was very impressed and went back to meet one of the singers and offer them the gig.

I walked up to him and said "Nice set!" He answered "Yours too, babe!" They didn't get the job.

I think it's funnier now than I did at the time.