The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59485   Message #948282
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-May-03 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shatner's ex-wife sues over horse semen
Subject: RE: BS: Shatner's ex-wife sues over horse semen
Man, I just could not believe it when I saw the title of this thread! Is nothing sacred!?!

This is typical of the kind of scurillous accusations and obscure calumnies that beset the truly William Shatner. It's outrageous!

The WSSBA is going to convene a special meeting tomorrow over this, and we are going to marshall strong and abiding support for Bill and raise money if necessary to help him deal with these pusillanimous and vile allegations of misconduct which are totally unfounded!!!

His exwife is just an unscrupulous golddigger with a chip on her shoulder in my opinion. I know Bill Shatner and horses, by golly. When it comes to horses the man can do no wrong!

Spaw, I note that you are dropping gratuitous "W"'s into your text lately. I'm not fooled by this. You will say it's an innocent typo, but I know that it's simply a ploy on your part to get in good with Dubya, so you can switch sides and join the Neo-Cons when they declare martial law and suspend the Constitution.

I'm onto you, Jack! It won't work.

- LH