The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59282   Message #948620
Posted By: GUEST,ghost
08-May-03 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
Subject: RE: Bad Manners at Sessions, Singarounds
I'll repeat myself for those of you who have not read my previous post.

If you can't afford to hire or rent a room, Paltalk is free.

You can have just as many rules as your heart desires. No need to give them up when you use Paltalk. Some folks just can't change. There's no need for you to deal with their inability to understand your vision of what should happen at your session, jam, song circle or open mic. You can have it all on Paltalk, privacy, anonymity, security, and peace of mind to focus your energy on what you wish, music, song, recitation etc.

At last you'll be in control, total control, of your session, jam, song circle etc. You can create your own venue and if someone doesn't like your scene you can apply all of those previously mentioned tactics of persuasion or just play hardball with the offenders and give them the boot, hook or what you call it locally. If they are not happy about being asked to behave you can even permanently block their entrance into your place.

They can, afterall, go and start their own room at Paltalk and develope whatever style of venue they wish to create, one that accepts their kind of folks. There's room for a room for everyone. No one needs to be left out. If you don't like what you find start a place of your own at Paltalk.

Think of it as a big hotel where people open up their rooms to invite guests in to join in on what is happening in each room, music, discussion, just about anything. All the guests have an opportunity to wander from room to room. Each room can have an open door policy or it can be sealed and only allow certain folks to enter.

So instead of venting your bad manner observations and frustrations why not use that creative energy that you all have to do something constructive and invent a new venue of your own, one where you're the boss and what you say goes.

Show the world your stuff not just those few who happen to stumble in to the pub that evening. Be a pioneer and stake your claim on the wide open internet prairie. If reality doesn't suit you, create your own alternative. People pay thousands each year to be a member of socially exclusive clubs. Now you can create your own for free.

Again, I'm not paid to advertise for Paltalk in any way. With this thread nearing the onehundredth post I simply felt compelled to offer an alternative to what seems to be a lot of pent up frustration out there. That kind of tension can't be good for the ticker or your music. Unlax, mellow out, take deep breaths slowly in and out, count to ten and before you grab the fireplace poker, uke or guitar to el kabong that certain annoying somebody, get a grip, get a hat and hightail it over to Paltalk. You'll thank yourself afterward for being so internet savvy.