The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59503   Message #948680
Posted By: katlaughing
08-May-03 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Non-music - Happy 86 Sparky
Subject: RE: Non-music - Happy 86 Sparky
HeyaMMario, aren't they great? Here's what I had posted:

Yeah, I want to brag a little! My dad, Sparky, whom some of you know through his homemade tape of "cow songs" and through my postings, turns 86 years old, today!

We went to see him this past weekend and he is doing pretty well. He went through a rough patch early this year and that has kept him from going out to "entertain the old folks," as he puts it, at the nursing homes for a few months, but he thinks he is up to going out at least once this month now that his strength is returning. He has kept up his "pickin' and grinnin" at home, every day, so no problem with staying fresh and on top of those tunes.

He's a little hard of hearing now, uses a cane, but is still sharp as a tack. I continue to marvel at his ablity to quote reams of the classics and his eloquence in using the English language. His hair has turned that beautiful shade of white to which I've noticed many who have redheads in their background can look forward.

When I called him this morning, he was laughing about calling his favourite local dj and asking him to play Too Old To Cut The Mustard in honour of his birthday! As far as I am concerned, my dad is never too old in my book!**bg**

Thanks for letting me share and thanks for your kindnesses to him in these past years of lyrics searches, storytelling, etc. It has really been a wonderful addition to his life, knowing about and hearing all of you Mudcatters (and, he doesn't even own a computer!)


Kat Sparkysdottir:-)