The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50520   Message #948726
Posted By: fsharpdim7
08-May-03 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Pontardawe Festival
Subject: RE: Pontardawe Festival
Skipper Jack -
Wish that I could be there, but it's a long way from Chicago.
But I am working on Welsh songs, and would like to get tapes, mp3's or cd's of shanties or other Welsh songs that are good for group singing. Any leads that you could give would be appreciated.
Have you considered putting the Baggyrinkles on Or do you - or others - know of other Welsh folk performers on
Diolch yn fawr, Chris yn Chicago
P.S. I recently found that my great-grandfather ran the Cross Foxes Inn (pub?) in Dolgellau in the 1880's with his two lovely daughters. Sure would have liked to have had a brewski and a song with them there!