The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59521   Message #949285
Posted By: Amos
09-May-03 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush national guard performance
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
Well, it reflects on his opportunism and his lack of integrity that he intentionally tried to use the whole aircraft carrier landing shtick to paint himself as a military aviator used to flying fighter jets; the facts appear to be that he flew the minimum required to get through and was a dismal failure as a military person. I have no problem with his not being a military person. It takes many kkminds of people to keep life interesting, and being military is not especially attractive. But I take serious objection to his pretending, for personal gain, to military qualifications he did not earn, and to the intentional manipulation of the press to create false images about himself. I also agree with Peg that committing to do something for the military and then NOT doing it is hypocritical in the extreme.

I am sorry to say, DougR, that your revered leader suffers from extreme moral turpitude. He's a PR sleazeball with an itchy trigger finger.