The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59339   Message #950343
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-May-03 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: How the US will finally lose its power?
Subject: RE: BS: How the US will finally lose its power?
Well, yes, GUEST (DG) are quite right. It is a dog and pony show to delude the masses, and the rich elite rule no matter who wins. Sad but true. The same was true when a small elite of royalty and nobles ran the roost a couple of centuries back.

On the other hand, there's no harm in trying to influence things through radicalizing the Democratic Party at this point...while making other preparations in case it doesn't yield any useful results.

What really needs to be done is to change the political $ySStem in the USA so that it is not totally dominated by the two traditional parties, but has proportional representation. I doubt that there is a dog's chance in hell that the people at the top will let that happen.

We have the same basic problem in Canada. A MINORITY vote can produce a majority government with absolute ease in this country...and the smaller players can end up with no representation at all. 60% of the voters can be opposed to a major "Free Trade" (ha, ha) and the 40% of voters in favour of it can end up voting their guys in anyway, because of the way party politics works here. It's ludicrous.

And it is anything but democratic.

It used to work to the benefit of the Federal Conservatives (in the 80's). Now it's working to the benefit of the Federal Liberals (because the Conservatives fractured into two parties which divides the Conservative vote so the Liberals always win).

Then we've got a supposedly socialist party (not very), which used to split the non-Conservative vote, but has lost a great deal of ground since the 80's.

It's a system that simply does not work in terms of actually representing the public in an effective manner. And that is all to the benefit of the ruling elite who do not WANT the public to have any real power.

It's even worse in the USA.

- LH