The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #950496
Posted By: Tweed
11-May-03 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
My Lord Khnadnuts,
I prey to begin by returning felicitatious offerings for best of Mother's Day, you Muvver!! Also I would undress,in publik, yore resent PMS accusing me of being unintelligibble and coarse in speech.

The Grate State ob Florida,being second only in complete and udder ignornze to yore own mismanaged Khingdom iz no doubt respondable for my speech inflections and narcossis, but close proximatory contak wif the Motherlode of Low Budgied Schools habv run me obver the cliff and deepre into the darking.

Howsomevver that may be, yore reighn haz clarly invoked an awesome depth ob deprabation and true ignornze which succumbs ever wider by the hour and does multiply like the mink and the badger. I waz oncet a nearly senchant being but lately havb cast off all false hopes of enny intelligent conversment capabilitys. I regret thadid haz become necklacsary of late to adopt this manner to throw off the pedants and The Royal Buggerers ob Cattle which habituate these hectares, subsisting only on the flesh obv the half and quarter witted. I find thet it confusifies the overtlysentientiative and they hab no idea whar to begin correcting my texts and thus I yam left to roam free az I please and habv foulnd true bliss in this discomfture.

Posonby soom day all human peeple in Mudcat will vomit forth such gibberish and realise the follo ob serious leveled circumscizhions and that they are realy only a chromasome away from treu libation and trufth az well!

Aslo wif high regard to Mother's Day,my long sovvering wifer habz voiced some consternable invocations re: my outbursts of laughers fallod by heaving sobs and violent jerking movenents senz this MOTHER OF ALL BS THREAD began, but we got her a nice fountain/buzzard baff for Mothers Day and it iz bubbling on the patio where she sits supine in Zenlike contemplation ob all things ethereal.

Sir Tweed