The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12199   Message #95081
Posted By: Wolfgang
14-Jul-99 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Roll of Honour (Gerry O Glacain)
Subject: RE: Help me track down this Irish Rebel song!
Stuart, the two lines sound familiar.
"we ne'er will be defeated
while Ireland has such sons"
are two lines from an Irish rebel song, best guess from memory, it's called "Roll of honour". Of course, the football song lyrics might have taken the structure of such a song (enumerating loads of Irish rebels) and list their own heroes. I bet you the one song is about famous goalers, and the other about famous gaolers.

Andreas, you have the Roll of Honour lyrics stored electronically, I have them only on paper. So if you read this, please post them and Stuart can see if that's what he is looking for.
