The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20768   Message #951307
Posted By: PoppaGator
12-May-03 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: Irish Songs for female singers
Subject: RE: Irish Songs for female singers
celticblues5's mention of Judy Collins jogged my memory a bit; one of her late-60s albums included a sung rendition of the W.B. Yeats poem "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (or, at least, an excerpt therefrom). I think the song may have been titled "Golden Apples of the Sun."

It's certainly not traditional, and probably not even folk music but rather "art song." While English rather than Irish/Gaelic, the words are from an undeniably Irish lyricist, unless you're so hard-assed as to exclude the Anglo-Irish. Yeats may have been born into the Ascendancy, but he was certainly a great moving force in the Irish cultural revolution of the 1880s, a necessary percursor to political independence. No one can claim to love Ireland more than did William Butler Yeats.

The melody's origins are probably inauthentic in some sense, but quite lovely. The guitar part alone is beautiful enough, even without the poetry. I would think that a performance of this piece would be entirely appropriate for an Irish-American meeting of New Yorkers. (That is, it's a good bit more authentic, and more aesthetically pleasing, than "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.")

I wish I could be there to hear you ladies, whatever you decide to sing.