The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59570   Message #951763
Posted By: JennyO
13-May-03 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: You may be a musician if...
Subject: RE: BS: You may be a musician if...
Very pretty, Bsondahl.

Daylia, just happens I have a piano beside me at the computer, and I had to try out the birdsong you described. I wonder what kind of bird it is? We have the currawongs whose cries even seem to vary from one area to another. At my place, and very close by, they seem to say "Get real!" They sort of start on high c for "get", down to d for the beginning of "real", then slide up to about a :
"get reeeeaaalll".

I only have to swivel my chair around to play the piano. Would only a musician have the computer next to the piano?

One of the reasons I chose the mobile phone I did, was that I can program tunes of my own choice into it. I put in four of the songs my choir sings. Now when it rings, I know it's mine. I'm probably the only person in the world with a phone that plays "Grandola Vila Morena" - drove them crazy on the tour! ;-)
