The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59646   Message #951880
Posted By: katlaughing
13-May-03 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: WV Governor = Clinton Clone
Subject: RE: BS: WV Governor = Clinton Clone
Sounds to me like the musician is a failure in more ways than one and he's using this as an excuse to win his divorce case. No one other person can cause a marriage to fail, esp. if that person is not one of the two parties in the marriage. If one them went loooking elsewhere, the marraige was in trouble anyway. If his musical career hasn't been going well, then he might need to practice a bit more or change his approach.:-) He really sounds as though he's gloating which, imo, is just as unseemingly as dragging all of this into the open. There used to be a time when someone such as he would be embarrassed to be known as a cuckold and would have dealt with it in a quiet manner.