The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59612   Message #952519
Posted By: *daylia*
14-May-03 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thought For the Day--May 12 03
Subject: RE: BS: Thought For the Day--May 12 03
Speaking of the media's role in creating and perpetuating an atmosphere of fear, I watched Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" yesterday. Chilling, informative, quite depressing. The story from Flint Michigan about the 6yr old shot to death in her classroom by another 6yr old had me in tears. I wish I could say I found it incredulous.

Oh, and by the way, after listening to Moore go on and on about Canada's wonderfully low murder rates and supposedly non-violent culture in "Bowling for Columbine", the first clip I heard on the news yesterday afternoon was about how the police had found the 10yr old girl who'd gone missing after walking a friend home in Toronto Monday night. Her dismembered body parts were in several garbage bags dumped beside a downtown river. No comment seems appropriate.   :>(

This is a 5 minute windowsmedia cartoon clip from Michael Moore called "A Brief History of the USA", focussing on gun laws, it's "culture of fear". It's worth a peek, I think.

I'd say "Enjoy!" but that seems a bit sarcastic.
