The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59646   Message #952557
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
14-May-03 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: WV Governor = Clinton Clone
Subject: RE: BS: WV Governor = Clinton Clone
No, but I loved the quote.

You have to understand that West Virginia has been a Democrat stronghold since the Civil War. The flap over Clinton, gave us our first Republican (and first female, period) Congresswoman in the State. And I do recall someone waxing poetic about Kennedys sexual escapades (in an era where the press didn't report such things, yah-da-yah-da etc.).

Now with the other flap about President Kennedy keeping a 19 year old intern for nothing but sex ("couldn't even answer the phone") and the drug use, and the lying about his illnesses, we know why Bill considered him his hero...