The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59574   Message #952623
Posted By: Jim Colbert
14-May-03 - 02:40 PM
Hey Les!

I would not be concerned about my experience of needing to retune a bit more frequently than our full size guitars- I've noticed this sometimes on shorter scale guitars and the smaller sizes just plain seem to be a little more prone to that (least in this area.) It's been comparable to back when I didn't return my guitar to its case and left it sit out, from what I recall. It's going to vary with the environment it's kept in, really. (And I think that's why our larger guitars stay in tune longer; they are more humidity controlled when returned to their hard cases.)

The Taylor gig bag that should come with the baby is a quite nice example- I would not see the heads getting turned around that much under normal treatment- I've never noticed that to be a problem when transporting ours. I think the baby taylors are about the nicest travel guitars around. (For some reason, i think of the parlour guitars as a step up, if that makes sense.)

Some people just don't like the babies, I also think some people have unrealistic expectations of what a small guitar is going to sound like, but I think they're nice guitars if you get one at the right price. I also think the mahogany topped model is particularly nice for fingerstyle- it's a little warmer sounding than the spruce topped ones.

But that's just my opinion. Taylors (which I own 3 of) are kind of like Harleys in a way; the people that don't like them are probably never going to like them, and those that love them can sometimes see no faults! And the truth is somewhere in between. (Oh yeah, and they're both often overpriced!)

uh, who also owns 3 motorcycles, all of japanese make (although I've owned a little of everything over the years!)