The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59689   Message #952852
Posted By: GUEST
14-May-03 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Memory Hole
Subject: RE: BS: The Memory Hole
(Daring midnight raid to rescue Pvt. Lynch. Bushit. She was not a prisoner and she was getting preferential treatment over Iraqis. And the story from the Toronto Star has been snap-shotted and saved for all time. Thousands of these things. Clinton/Bush try to change the facts after the case, but, the Memory Hole prevents that):

"But after a few days, she began to relax. And she really bonded with Khalida. She told me, `I'm going to take her back to America with me."

Three days before the U.S. raid, Lynch had regained enough strength that the team was ready to proceed with orthopaedic surgery on her left leg. The procedure involved cutting through muscle to install a platinum plate to both ends of the compound fracture. "We only had three platinum plates left in our supply and at least 100 Iraqis were in need," Raazk said. "But we gave one to Jessica."

A second surgery, and a second platinum plate, was scheduled for Lynch's fractured arm. But U.S. forces removed her before it took place, Raazk said.

Three days after the raid, the doctors had a visit from one of their U.S. military counterparts. He came, they say, to thank them for the superb surgery.

"He was an older doctor with gray hair and he wore a military uniform," Raazk said....