The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12252   Message #95289
Posted By: WyoWoman
14-Jul-99 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Singer needs suggestions
Subject: RE: Singer needs suggestions
How strong a singer? and will it be only one person, or a duo singing harmony? I have several I can recommend. A couple I do a capella...

Try "Bright Morning Stars" -- on Emmylou Harris "Angel Band" CD. But I don't like the way she did it -- it sounds better without accompaniment, as far as I'm concerned, and really wonderful in close harmony.

"MY Home's Across the Blueridge Mountains" -- or you can do the rap version, "My Homey's Across ..." ;-}

"Hard Times," by Stephen Foster is an enduring favorite. "Are You Tired of Me, My Darlin'" has some pretty harmonies.

And any of the old hymns are also really well received. I did "Sweet Hour of Prayer" with a friend, "Walk in Jerusalem Just like John," "Standing in the Need of Prayer." "Every Time I Feel the Spirit..."

A start, anyway...