The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #953866
Posted By: Tweed
16-May-03 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
To Mmario%; I refute yore unfunded allegators az being bald faced lies and habving no sound foundations or footers to build upon. The OFFICIAL MAGNETIC SIGN will draw only thet what is Good,Pure, and Ethereal unto it and repel only those carrying shotguns, lynch ropes or high evilness in thar harts.

To Amos:^+ You are a double speakin' instigarator and I feel sartin that you live only to see the final conflagration between one good pure and ethereal Knight who habz lost hiz pafth, and the pore hopelessly pathetic nutbag known az Khandoo ob Mississippi so az you may sell refined sugar and sliced bread to the survivors at inflated pricing.

To the Galactic Obverlarfd:::~0 I habv no feer of bein' exfoliated as I yam no tree nor bush nor shrub ob the arth. Yore threats ar ob no consequence and tharfore I tell you do not let the sun of MOAB set on yore hiney ef you know what iz good for you az I will form alliances and ceacefirez wif kingkhandu and hiz Royal Dancing Army ob Tartmen in Tutus and will rebuke you and yore ilk mos scosciously. You may try yore hand at exfoliating khing khnadnoze but all you'll get iz the feathers ob his Royal Cherokee Headress.

The lunatic Lordkhandoo and I are at odds but we are aslo obv the heartland ob MOAB and thus you see we ar oslo kin in thet way. You hav no chance whatsomever so get thee hence foule beast or suffer a barrage ob rebukage such az hab never been heard in a good while.

EauClaire de la Loon