The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59591   Message #954523
Posted By: Tinkercat
17-May-03 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Lancaster Folkclub
Subject: RE: Lancaster Folkclub
Hi Barbara,
It was only today that I managed to check on my question about the Lancaster Folkclub. Sad to hear that the Yorkshire House is no more and that Jim is dead. I've been wrecking my brain trying to remember who was organizing the folkclub back then (1975/76), but the only name that came to mind immediately was Bob (whom I met when I was up there again in the 80s). As far as I remember he was running a caravan park, where my friend and I stayed on that last visit. Then there was a female singer whom I admired (I remember one of the songs she did going "Pendle oh Pendle thou standest alone"), and she was the first one I heard the "Blacksmith" from. Some of my big heroes performed at the Yorkshire House folk concerts of that time, e.g. June Tabor. It was where I started singing myself, so I've got great memories of that club and the times we had there. Mike Lyddiard was also a regular performer there. Some other people come to mind, but unfortunately only their faces, not their names, and I bet they'll look very different today after almost thirty years. It's amazing how memories do come back while I'm writing this. I think I'll get into touch with one of my friends who was at university with me at that time and was also a regular folkclub member. Perhaps his memory for names is better than mine. Thanks for your reply and for making me even more nostalgic. Hope to hear from you again.