The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59789   Message #954896
Posted By: Raggytash
18-May-03 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Songs About Death
Lets spread a little light on this,

Sooz it will be held again (God willing I've not shuffled off this mortal coil by then, my good lady nearly did last year so we missed it, but thtas another story)
Jenny, yes it is a very light hearted look at a potentially depressing subject, lets make it as gory as possible
JennyO,Bill D, and Guest I disallowed a song last time on the basis of competetion. One thought was Why do the sun keep on shining, why does the sea, rsuh to the shore, don't they know it the end of the world.................great idea, but not conducive to the idiocy behind our initial idea