The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26164   Message #955716
Posted By: OldPossum
19-May-03 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Subject: Tune Add: That Was The President
T:That Was The President
B:The Complete Phil Ochs: Chords of Fame
C:Phil Ochs
N:filename[ JFK7
B/B/ || BB BG | cc Bc | BB BG |
w: Oh, the|bul-lets of the|false re-venge have|struck us once a|
D3 G/G/ | GG FG | AA FE | D4-|D2 B B |
w: gain, As the|an-gry seas have|struck up-on the|sand,|_And it|
BB BG | cc Bc | BB BG | D4 |
w: seemed as though a|friend-less world had|lost it-self a|friend,|
z2 (3GGG | G/G/ G2 B | A2 FF | G3 ||
w: That was the|Pres-i-dent and|that was the|man.|