The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12250   Message #95607
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
15-Jul-99 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: 'wrist problems' with my Banjo..
Subject: RE: 'wrist problems' with my Banjo..
Anders, when I first started frailing (after 40 years of Seeger style up-picking and 20 years of three finger picking, I experienced pain--particularly when trying to drop-thumb (doublethumb, clawhammer style--described above). I discovered that in order to get my thumb into position to drop onto the inner strings I was angling my wrist down (not toward the strings, but towards the ground). I stopped having pain when I did what Songster Bob explained above--keep the wrist straight, move from the elbow. Keep the wrist in a natural position and you might have relief from the pain. You may have to start over on the drop-thumbing, but it'll all come back. But, by all means, if you continue to have pain, see a good orthopedist. The wrist brace sounds like a good idea, too. --seed