The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59246   Message #956558
Posted By: mandomad
20-May-03 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: Punch the Horse May Thread
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse May Thread
      Can I join this strange thread, to just say, I too am an offal fan, I could be found scoffin' a large plate of mixed tripe in Barnsley market on Saturday last!   My good lady (of the autoharp)absolutely detests the stuff, so I have to sneak offt to consume it in the privacy of my own pants.
      Thanks for the compliments Raggytash, Yes I'm looking forward to Saturday in the Endeavour especially as you and Ossoneffs will be there.   The Butler's won't be...I think they're at a Wedding.
       I hereby promise not to bring any Tripe, brawn, black pudding or cowheel with me.    Under protest, of course.
