The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #956671
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-May-03 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians
CarolC, I'll take a look in occasionally and put in a good word for your argument. Why do most Americans not understand the Israeli/Palestinian "problem?" Because they are doing the same exact thing to the indigenous populations in North America. Put them on reservations, treat them like children (reservations are managed [horribly] by the federal government), condemn their occasional violent outbursts when they've been pushed too far. Pass laws like the Dawes Act, and make it worse every so often with events like Pine Ridge (a la Leonard Peltier vs. the FBI). Steal land with impunity. Sound familiar?

A critic isn't Anti-Semitic if they see the Israeli colonization of Palestine as an aggressive, violent act supported 100% by the United States. He/She is honest. But that doesn't get one far, especially when the christian right is pushing as hard to support Israel as the Jewish Defence League and many other Benevolent Societies are. Like the American Irish supporting the IRA. There is a disconnect between what the New World population understands and what is actually going on in the Old World. There's an emotional, museum-quality, archaic disconnect.

A Jewish feminist friend of mine regularly sends me links to discussions going on among Jewish Americans who are appalled at what is boing done to Palestinians in the name of supporting Israel. There is a peace movement here an in Israel, but it gets virtually no airtime.

George Dubya Bush and his lackeys aren't making it any better.