The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #956736
Posted By: Teribus
21-May-03 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians
It should be remembered that originally the state of Israel was never meant to exist. Under the Sykes-Picot Plan the area was supposed to be under international control (British Mandate from the League of Nations). As laid out in the later Balfour Declaration a Jewish 'Homeland' was to be established - a homeland, not a state. Conditions for the setting up of this homeland relied on controlled immigration of Jewish people.

Those controls went out of the window in the aftermath of the second world war. The Jewish immigrants founded their terrorist organisations to fight the British, who were trying to keep immigration within the agreed bounds, and to protect themselves against forces of the Arab League, who quite rightly saw the massive influx of immigrants/refugees/displaced persons as a threat.

When the British left Palestine at the end of the Mandate period, the Jews arose and declared the State of Israel - this State of Israel was immediately recognised by the United States of America AND by the United Nations. It was around this time that the USA gave the firm commitment to Israel that it would support and protect Israel.

The Palestinians who were displaced and became refugees, fled to Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. None of those countries offered any hope to those refugees of citizenship, they preferred to take the stance that the creation of the State of Israel was illegal and that a Pan-Arabic movement would combine to drive the Israelis into the sea and give the land "back" to the Palestinians. They tried in 1956, 1967 and in 1973. By the time of the defeat of Syrian and Egyptian Forces in 1973, the Pan-Arabic movement went into a sharp decline, it's only supporters after Egypt made it's accord with Israel were the late President Assad of Syria and Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

What SRS says above is perfectly true - Israel was, and still is, supported 100% by the USA - but that support was condoned 100% by the United Nations.