The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #957181
Posted By: Don Firth
21-May-03 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians

Some years back I sat in on a kaffeeklatch where an Egyptian exchange student made the following comment: "How would you people whose families have resided here in Washington State for many generations feel if the United Nations or some other agency told you, 'this land rightfully belongs to the Indians and we're giving it back to them. You must move. Or if you chose to stay, you must live wherever and however they tell you to.' How would you feel?"

I do not care to participate in this discussion, because, as Wolfgang points out, rational discussion of this issue, at least here, doesn't seem to be possible.

By the way, I keep posting this link, but judging from the quality (or lack thereof) of many responses to arguments or assertions made, not all that many people have read it and understood it. So, as a public service and in the interest of a more well-reasoned discussion, I'll post it yet again:—

This is Latin for "cheap shot."   

Incidentally, after reading and absorbing this page, it would be enlightening and edifying to click on the "Previous" and "Next" links on this web site. Lots of interesting and educational material here.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Firth