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Thread #59857   Message #957505
Posted By: Teribus
22-May-03 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Forum Lurker,

"..and the British government's adherence to tiny quotas.." was to honour commitments and agreements made with the Arabs living in Palestine at the time of the British Mandate (Which was on behalf of the League of Nations and had nothing to do with the United Nations). The agreed quota I believe was 48,000 immigrants per year.

The UN partition plan was made after the British Mandate had expired and after the Jewish settlers had declared the existence of the state of Israel, which as I have previously stated was recognised by the United Nations.

To level the charge of complicity in the deaths of the holocaust victims, I think that you would have to spread your net a bit wider than merely singling out the UK by virtue of its honouring agreements made long before the evils of Nazi Germany manifested itself.


A slightly one sided perspective. No mention of Egypt, Syria and Jordans very publically broadcast intentions to eliminate every vestage of the state of Israel. Their join vow to drive the Israelis into the sea (Those still remain the avowed intentions of Hamas). Now considering the time 1947 - 1973, and taking into account what had happened to the Jews of Europe during the period 1933 - 1945. There is no way whatsoever that any Israeli Government was ever going to take such threats lightly - to any Jew such threats are very, very real - they have suffered such an attempt in the past and they have, quite rightly, taken the stance that it shall never happen again. If they do have nuclear weapons/WMD's, and I believe that everyone does believe that the Israelis have such weapons, it is for the reason that surrounded and out-numbered as they are - they are the only nation in the region that needs them to guarantee its own survival. While the United States of America has sworn to protect the sovereignty of the state of Israel, the Israelis, again quite rightly, are not going to relinquish their right of self-defence and place their reliance on survival into the hands of a foreign power.