The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59329   Message #957616
Posted By: Teribus
22-May-03 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: A good day for Bush
Subject: RE: BS: A good day for Bush
My question was:

What, "...unreasonable delays and constraints of ground support for those troops,.." ???

As to the answer:

"If you want to look into it, the essential story is that Rumsfeld and the administration over-rode the joint chiefs calls for greater ground support at every turn, rejected their blueprints for the action, insisting on surgical air strikes, the show of shock and awe, and counting on clear weather."

As far as is apparent at the moment the planning and execution of that plan went extremely well. There was no statement made by any on-scene commander regarding unreasonable delays or constraints of ground support. The only thing that was included in the plan that did not occur was the intended participation of the 4th Infantry Division who should have entered Iraq from the North. I believe that had Turkey allowed this the war would have been fore-shortened considerabley.

What will stand is the result. I don't know if it was reported in the press in the USA, but over this side it was reported that the Russians are conducting exercises to find ways of countering the tactics used by US and UK forces in Iraq. It also must be abundantly clear to the North Koreans now that their one million strong standing army and their massed artillery are of little use to them as a threat. As one American observer put it - they now only represent a target rich environment.

The US planners developed the plan - and it worked. Those entrusted with its execution did so in the finest traditions of their respective services, those who participated know that they did a good job. The President thanked them for that and I am sure that they appreciated it.